Acupuncture Protocols
Upon request they can be combined with cupping, moxibustion, aromatherapy, therapeutic massage and acu-laser.

Qi Assembly, Immune System Boost Memory Enhancement, Nourishing Blood, Increased Awareness, Clearing the Mind and Energy Boost Acupuncture
This protocol represents the basis for my acupuncture sessions offered, and it is one of the protocols taught as part of the ‘Heal At Home – Become Your Own Therapist’ coaching programme. It gathers energetically powered Qi and it distributes it all over your body, allowing the next protocols to have a greater impact on each direction targeted.

Improved Decisiveness, Full Energy Boost, Dispersing Qi Throughout Meridians, Waking Up Senses Acupuncture
Flexibility, Vision and Growth are just some of the properties of the WOOD Element. In our body the Liver represents the WOOD element. To grow, WOOD needs WATER. Combined with your BAZI chart where the 5 Elements appear as they appear in your own body manifesting in various ways and affecting various internal organs, acupuncture comes in handy and restores any imbalances in your body helping you GROW and visualize our life’s journey. Simply put, we are ultimately looking to get the TAO, the ideal balance between the 5 Elements and eventually the balance in your overall well-being. It will be YOUR journey and I will guide you with the right therapies at the Therapy Centre in Reading and coaching sessions that will help you grow and shine further for years to come.

Pain Management, Migraines, Menstruation and Menopause Issues
Ancient and modern studies concluded that the Original Qi of our body originates between the Kidneys (Water Element). When the Kidneys become depleted, our state of health starts deteriorating. Acupuncture is effective is restoring Kidney’s Yin and Yang energy, and distributing it all over the body for healing. Once achieved that, internal organs and muscles will be nourished and cupping can eliminate blood stasis, hence pain management is handled very well thereafter. Migraine, Menstruation and Menopause issues are managed in a similar way, using specific acupuncture points.

Weight, Insomnia and Anger Management
A variety of reasons are involved in gaining weight. NADA protocol along with some other auricular therapy protocols and classic acupuncture, can help in weight, insomnia and anger management. Eating up our feelings and digesting ‘heavy burdens’ are the emotional aspects of gaining weight. Just by ‘chewing’ these feelings unnecessary, it will keep us awake at night or maybe have a negative effect on our digestive system. Sometimes shoulder pain comes along with it, as we cannot ‘carry’ some of the heavy duties of our life. The relaxation feeling induced by acupuncture will take some of these ‘heavy’ weights off your shoulders and you don’t need to gain weight in order to have strength and face the difficulties of life. Pensiveness will turn into decisions and immediate action, sharp visualization, focused direction, life journey awareness and ultimately a better life.